When will I be recieving my tax return?
Please visit this website and enter the necessary information to recieve the status of your refund: https://sa.www4.irs.gov/irfof/lang/en/irfofgetstatus.jsp
What can I write off on my taxes?
You can write off anything related to an official business or an expense that your job
did not reimburse you for.
How much credit do I get for my dependents?
Dependent credit is updates every year, and it is based on your wages earned.
What family members can I claim as a dependent?
You can claim anyone that has lived in your household and that you have provided
for during the tax year.
Do I need a registered business to have a Schedule C (self employment)?
Can I write off my leased car?
If you have an official business, you can write off the monthly payments, taxes,
and mileage.
How can I track my car mileage throughout the year?
There are apps, such as MileIQ and MapQuest, that can track mileage for you.